St Andrew’s
St Andrew’s is set in an old vicarage and provides personal care, including nursing and dementia care, for 45 residents. This home has been extended twice by Jasmine, in order to add a total of 17 new bedrooms with either ensuite facilities or and wet rooms, along with increased communal space. After both extensions, full occupancy was achieved rapidly, due to the close working relationship we have with the commissioning bodies and the home’s local reputation for delivering excellent care. St Andrew’s has extensive grounds despite the extensions that have taken place and its grounds have been re-landscaped to a high standard. We have also refurbished the original vicarage part of this home, including adding ensuite facilities to a number of bedrooms. Consequently, almost all residents now benefit from ensuite facilities or wet rooms. The home also has planning permission, which with a little more reconfiguration of the existing home, will take the home to 50 single private bedrooms, all with ensuite facilities or wet rooms. For more information:
Email: standrews@jasminehealthcare.co.uk
Telephone: 01529 460286
Website – www.standrews-carehome.co.uk
Orchard Court
Orchard Court provides personal care, including dementia care, and independent living accommodation, in and around a former coaching inn. This home currently provides accommodation for 41 residents in predominantly single rooms with ensuite facilities or wet rooms, with most bedrooms being located on the ground floor. Since acquiring this home, Jasmine has obtained registration to provide specialist dementia care. We have also extended and reconfigured the rear of the home to improve its aesthetics, added two further large ensuite bedrooms and created a new landscaped patio area for our residents’ use. In addition, a development of 13 spacious, high specification, one bedroom independent living care bungalows, called Jasmine Court, have been built in the grounds of this home. Residents living in these bungalows can choose either to live completely independently, to receive some personal and day care or have full care packages. We are delighted that Orchard Court is one of the top 3% of care homes in the country to be rated as Outstanding with the Commission for Quality Care (CQC). Orchard Court is also rated the Number One care home in Brigg by www.carehome.co.uk. For more information:
Email: orchardcourt@jasminehealthcare.co.uk
Telephone: 01652 653845
Website – www.orchardcourt.co.uk
Oxendon House
Oxendon House is an attractive country house and provides personal and dementia care for 45 residents. All bedrooms have ensuite facilities, many of which are wet rooms. Since Jasmine acquired this home, all bedrooms and communal areas have been refurbished, including the grand central staircase. The home has also been sympathetically enlarged four times in order to provide additional communal rooms and bedrooms and to improve the home’s existing bedrooms, by reconfiguring them to make them larger and to add ensuite facilities or wet rooms to them. The exterior of the home has also been totally remodelled with all new windows, all walls being rendered and painted, new car parking areas created, new boundary walls and fences and significant landscaping of the large gardens. We have also obtained registration as a specialist provider of dementia care at this home since acquiring it. For more information:
Email: oxendonhouse@jasminehealthcare.co.uk
Telephone: 01858 464151
Website – www.oxendonhouse.co.uk
Avenue House
Avenue House began life as two large modern regency style detached houses, which were joined together, and selectively extended to offer a high standard of modern living accommodation. The home provides personal, nursing and dementia care to 49 residents. All bedrooms have ensuite facilities. We added three of these rooms some years ago and are now considering one further modest extension on top of one of the existing single storey sections. This extension would allow the home to care for 50 residents, without any double rooms or any impact on the home’s three attractive garden areas. In light of the significant number of referrals which the home receives from the local commissioning teams, we are confident that these additional high specification bedrooms, would be fully occupied almost immediately. For more information:
Email: avenuehouse@jasminehealthcare.co.uk
Telephone: 01933 358455
Website – www.avenuehouse.co.uk
South Moor Lodge
South Moor Lodge is a largely purpose built home centred around a nineteenth century barn and sits within two acres of landscaped grounds, which are surrounded by open countryside. The home’s accommodation comprises 40 bedrooms, all with ensuite shower rooms, most of which are located on the ground floor. The home provides personal and dementia care. We have added a large conservatory area over-looking the home’s gardens and surrounding fields as well as a new laundry and adding a cinema room. Whilst in the medium term, we have significant plans to further improve this home, by adding a new welcoming entrance, some additional large bedrooms on top of one of the existing single storey sections of the home, a second lift. As well as their obvious benefits, and allowing the home to care for 50 residents, these improvements together will also significantly improve the configuration of the home. This will make it much easier for our residents to independently move around the home and have safe access to the home’s large central courtyard which has been landscaped with raised flower beds and sensory gardens, to provide our residents with an even more meaningful outdoor experience. For more information:
Email: southmoorlodge@jasminehealthcare.co.uk
Telephone: 01427 891204
Website – www.southmoorlodge.co.uk
Nightingale Nursing & Care Home is a purpose built care home in Edwinstowe near Mansfield. The home provides personal, nursing and dementia care to 49 residents. All bedrooms have ensuite facilities, and many having their own wet rooms. This care home was acquired by Jasmine early in 2020 and is in the process of refurbishment throughout. For more information:
Email: nightingale@jasminehealthcare.co.uk
Telephone: 01623 824480
Website – www.nightingale-carehome.co.uk